Typical Check Engine Light Problems

​When your check engine light goes on there could be many different things causing it. To diagnose the on-board computer we use a tool that connects to your cars computer that helps us diagnose the issue your car may be having. Here are the most common reasons that cause your check engine light to go on.
- A dirty or improperly installed Mass Airflow Sensor - An improperly installed or dirty air filter can cause your check engine light to go on. Additionally you will experience poor fuel economy and your vehicle will eventually stall.
- Loose, Broken, or Faulty Gas Cap - One of the most common reasons why check engine lights go on is because your gas cap is not screwed on tightly. Read your gas cap! It usually says tighten until you hear a click.
- A dirty Oxygen Sensor - When your oxygen sensor gets dirty over time it will cause your check engine light to go on. Left untreated can lead to poor fuel efficiency and even damage your catalytic converter.
- Spark Plugs can fail over time especially in older cars. Older cars should replace spark plugs about every 30,000 miles. New cars should replace spark plugs every 100,000 miles.
Get your check engine light diagnosis at Eli & Gary's Automotive Services today.
Call (781) 321-0880
Call (781) 321-0880